A Contrarian Coronavirus Crisis Response

“In all things it is better to hope than to despair."


First, let me say that if you’ve been affected by this virus in any way, from being cooped up at home, to canceling travel, feeling unwell, or God forbid, dealing with the loss of a loved one, my heart goes out to you.

For FCF Members In Crisis

Free Personal Phone Consulting

If you or a family member is ill right now and in need of an urgent flight we will try to help you. Even though there are few flights right now, we are offering free personal phone consultations with myself and my staff on how to implement our strategies right now for emergency travel needs.

Whether you need to visit an ill family member, or you’re sick and want to fly family to visit you, we are available to members at this most stressful of times. Domestic or international, we’re here to help. Simply click here to schedule a call and let us know how we can help you reach a loved one or transport a loved one to you using your miles or a cash ticket (if your situation is critical). We are here to provide our expertise and help as much as we can.

For Everyone Else

Encouragement & Perspective

From our humble beginnings 24 years ago, FCF’s editorial mission has been to curate the best the industry has to offer and share it with travelers. There is obviously no shortage of bad news, so you don’t need us for that. In other words, I’m biased towards trying to set my mind on Good News, as much as possible, especially now.

In the same FCF spirit -- given there is no shortage of bad news these days (along with the Irish challenge to seek hope in times of darkness) -- FCF will continue our “tone-deafness” (to bad news) and continue to curate the best of the best news for you. Although the airline industry is struggling and the Corona crisis is gripping the world, the news is NOT 100% bad and I believe the best of it should be shared.


Because I haven’t seen any source focused on the volume of uplifting news, I believe FCF is here to fill that gap in some small way. It may sound counterintuitive with what’s going on, but I think it’s essential for our health and well-being.

To this end, here are some positive headlines from the industry and some on the crisis that you may have missed. I’ve also linked below to some stories we hope will enrich your soul. If you’re starving for good, uplifting news to improve your mindset, I think you’ll love the content we’ve curated for you here below. Much more to follow.

If you believe (like we do) that better days are ahead and travel matters, read on. If not feel free to sit this one out.

Here’s to looking up,


Matthew Bennett
FCF Founder
March 24, 2020

P.S. Feedback coveted here: mr.upgrade@firstclassflyer.com

P.P.S. Please also email if you have good news we might consider adding to our list.

Courage from hearts and not from numbers grows.


The Uplifting News

Mindset Is Everything

Perspective on Your Odds of Dying From Covid-19
(and Getting Struck By Lightinging)

HOPEFUL NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

HOPEFUL NEWS                                                                       

HOPEFUL NEWS                                                                        

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.


GREAT NEWS                                                                           


GREAT NEWS                                                                         

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Winston Churchill

For evil news rides post, while good news baits.


We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorns have roses.


Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.


It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on the bright side of things.



It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


Pardon me for finding the glass half full.
