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Upgrade Strategies & Flash Deals
for $1 for 14 Days


Get Business & First Class flash deals sent to your inbox and search all flight deals.
  • Flash Fare Alerts: Amazingly low Business & First Class flash and anomaly fare deals delivered straight to you.

  • Only Flash and Anomaly Fares – not mistake fares (we don’t publish those)

  • Sweet Miles Redeems: The fastest and easiest way to find where available points and miles seats are at the lowest prices.

  • Step-by-Step Flight Booking Instructions: We walk you through the booking process so you can book your flights in as low as 7 minutes or less.


Exclusive upgrade strategies to save you up to 90% on Business & First Class flights.
  • Everything in the Silver Plan plus…

  • FCF’s Monthly Advisor:
    The longest-running newsletter in the industry (26 Years). Get new upgrade strategies, pro tips and tricks sent to you every month.

  • Special Upgrade Mindset Reports:
    Want to think about booking flights like everyone else or like Mr. Upgrade? Counterintuitive thinking is what separates first class finishers and everyone else.

  • Advanced Upgrade Guides: Advanced ticketing strategies show you how to get more from your miles to save big on premium cabin flights, quickly.

    Learn how to book two vacations on one ticket to fly Business Class for the price of coach, for example.


Exclusive Business & First Class alerts plus access to The Upgrade Academy.
  • Everything in the Gold Plan plus…

  • Access to our entire library of exclusive and cutting-edge upgrade strategies.

  • Discover when booking mixed cabin tickets is a better value. Fly First Class on overnight flights and Business Class on day flights when you don’t need the sleep.

  • Improve Your Perspective on Upgrade Economics and when can you pay less for more.

  • Understand how to use positioning flights more powerfully to book dream trips every time.

  • The best ticketing strategies you never hear of like how to book two vacations on one ticket to fly Business Class for the price of coach.

  • And much more from the longest-running publisher of upgrade strategies since August 1996.


The "First Class Flyer Flight Guarantee"

If you don't save at LEAST the cost of your exclusive membership on your first flight using our flash deal alerts or upgrade strategies, let us know and we'll send you a prompt, friendly refund, no questions asked

Save Up to 90%
On Business and First Class Flights Without:


Conniving or Grovelling

None of our strategies involve "dressing up" or begging as a way to upgrade. You'll know you're upgraded the moment you book your ticket.


Biased or Tainted Recommendations

Our model eliminates the need for credit card companies to grease our palms – at the expense to you of excluding the best opportunities. There's no credit card-churning or bank-hustling here.


Risky Tickets

No grey-market tickets or methods that will get you in trouble with the airlines, nor deals on second-tier carriers. You'll only fly on first tier carriers you trust.


Mistake Fares

Airlines sometimes make mistakes, known as "mistake fares." They are often found and corrected, often voiding your ticket or increasing your fare. FCF only analyzes and delivers "anomaly" fares - fares the airlines are aware of but are very hard to find.

Questions before joining?

Here are some of the top questions we get about First Class Flyer:

"I mostly use points and miles, how can FCF help me?"

With our Sweet Redeems, you'll instantly see Business Class or higher deals with instructions on how to redeem them fast. You can search by miles program, airline or points amount. It is the easiest and most cost-saving way to book miles we've ever seen (and we've tried all of them).

"Will I really be able to redeem miles easier?"

Yes. With Sweet Redeems, you'll quickly see if you should spend cash or use your miles for the best deal. Then we'll walk you through step by step how to redeem them. Book your award tickets in as little as 7 minutes.

"Can't I search flight deals for myself on sites like Kayak and Hopper?"

You can, but it's unlikely you'll find the same deals we're able to find. We have a team of over a dozen senior analysts that manually search over 10,000 flights EVERY DAY to find anomaly flights that would be almost impossible to find yourself.

"What if I'm brand new to the upgrade game? Or what if I'm an upgrade Veteran?"

We've designed FCF to help you if you're new to the upgrade game or a veteran. No matter what your skill level is, we're confident you'll learn strategies and find deals you could never find on your own.

"Can I just learn of find all these strategies myself?"

Some of our strategies get hacked by forums and bloggers. That said, FCF has invested the last 24 years inventing, testing, refining and curating the best strategies for you so you don't spend hours searching for them yourself. Most of FCF's strategies and mindset are not available anywhere else.

"Can I really fly First Class for the price of coach?"

Sometimes. I know it sounds crazy, but with the strategies you'll learn combined with the Rare Fare alerts, it's not uncommon to find Business or First Class for the price of Premium Economy and sometimes as low as coach, more or less. When FCF's deals aren't that low, they are still 40% to 90% off or they don't make our cut.

Save up to 90% on Business & First Class Flights and Get up to 5X More Out Of Your Miles and Points.

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No-Risk Trial Guarantee

If you don't feel like we've delivered everything we've promised and more, send us an email at before the 14 days is up and we will refund your $1 within 48 hours or less.


Selected Plan: Silver

Due Today: $1

Payment due in 14 days: $97.00


Selected Plan: Gold

Due Today: $1

Payment due in 14 days: $197.00


Selected Plan: Platinum

Due Today: $1

Payment due in 14 days: $297.00